

Supporting image for Gillian

The reason I accessed the service, was because I had a blood clot on my lung and I was worried that I would only make it worse if I carried on smoking.

I did not believe I would make it to 4 weeks smokefree because I had smoked for so long, and I thought it would be hard to give up. But I think that you need to have the right mind set and be positive about trying to stop smoking.

I used NRT patches at first and they were enough for me at the time, I then started to use an e-cig with the patches and it's been great ever since.

The patches were a lifeline for me. To get up in the morning and use the patches straight away, I knew that when I had the patches on I would not smoke.

I really looked forward to and loved the calls from Sarah, I really looked forward to be able to tell her how good I was doing, and she would be very encouraging and helpful on every call. I have had great support from friends and family too. The weekly calls helped me stay on track.

Since stopping smoking, I can smell things better, my food tastes so much better too. I am also sleeping better.

I found the calls from Sarah so much better than having to come out for an appointment. I have mobility issues and the calls just made it so easy to access and to talk to Sarah. She is very helpful and it has been a pleasure speaking to her. I will miss her calls.

It has given me more confidence in myself. I never thought that I could be smokefree, thanks to the calls from Sarah I am now smokefree. I feel so pleased that I have achieved it.