
Queer as Smoke Calderdale

queer as smoke calderdale

Queer as Smoke Calderdale is a partnership between Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale, the Brunswick Centre and Calderdale Council Public Health. It aims to raise awareness of smoking in LGBTQ+ communities and promote local smoking cessation provision in Calderdale, including the offer of vapes.

Click here to check out the Queer as smoke Calderdale website

Supporting image for Queer as Smoke Calderdale

LGBTQ+ people are 46% more likely to smoke than the general population.

There are higher levels of stress, anxiety and mental illness in these communities and smoking is used as a way to cope.

Smoking is seen as more socially acceptable in this community. People often start smoking to fit in, make friends or due to peer pressure.

Alcohol and drugs are also a trigger to smoke and often go hand in hand.

Did you know?

86% of LGBTQ+ people want to quit smoking, but what might stop them from seeking help to quit?

  • Worry of discrimination when accessing services
  • Previous negative experience of services
  • Not comfortable attending appointments in certain venues

To increase your chances of quitting successfully we encourage all smokers to get support from their local NHS stop smoking service. The Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale team have undertaken LGBTQ+ awareness training and work hard to make sure our service is accessible and meets the needs of all smokers in Calderdale.

Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale is inspiring a smoke-free generation in Calderdale.

There are many ways Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale can help including:

  • Regular face to face meetings with one of our advisors.
  • Regular telephone calls with one of our advisors.
  • Video calls with one of our advisors.
  • Using the online personal action plan.




Arrange a call with one of our advisors

Call 0800 612 0011 (free from a landline) or 0330 660 1166 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm and Saturdays between 9am until 4.30pm


Please let us know when will be most convenient for us to call and we will try and accommodate you. Please note we can only call back within our opening hours and we can only try calling 3 times. So if you don't hear from us within a week please either call us or complete this form again.