

Supporting image for Geoff

Congratulations, Geoff! After smoking for ten years, Geoff knew it was time to give up the habit after a health check when he turned 60. He shares with us his story and gives some wise words to those who have recently started smoking.


Please tell us approximately when you started smoking:
I started smoking 10 years ago when I was 50.

Do you remember why you started smoking?
I was not in a good place at the time, so it was probably at the onset of severe reoccurring depressive mental health issues. On average I was smoking up to 40 cigarettes a day.

What were your reasons for quitting?
I turned 60 in September. At my NHS Health Check, I had great results for my BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and it made me think… why am I continuing to pollute my lungs?

How did you access stop smoking support?
I received 10/10 support through regular telephone calls with an NHS Adviser and one-to-one chats with my Doctor.

Did you use stop smoking products to help you quit?
I found the products that worked best for me were the patches and using an inhaler when cravings were really bad.

Apart from products what else helped you to quit and stay smoke free?
The weekly telephone calls and daily motivational text messages really helped keep me on track – it felt like I had loads of people behind me and supporting me every step of the way.

Has your health improved since you quit and, if so, in what ways?
Food tastes A LOT better!

What do you like about not smoking?
Knowing that my breath and clothes will no longer smell – I can definitely smell it on other people now.

Do you know how much money you have saved by not smoking?
Based on how many packs I was buying, I reckon I’m saving around £24 a week.

Do you have plans to treat yourself with the money saved?
Going to treat myself to a new pair of walking boots!

What would you say to anyone who has recently started smoking, or, if you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self before you smoked that first cigarette?
It might look cool to smoke with your mates but will it look as cool when they visit you in hospital because how ill smoking has made you?

If you feel inspired by Geoff's story and would like support in quitting smoking, register for a Callback Request today.