

Start the new year off by going smokefree!

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Published at 03 January, 2022 07:30.

Go into 2022 with a new frame of mind, go smoke free. It might be hard to go the first couple of days of being smoke free which is why we are here to help you.

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Become smokefree in 2022

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Published at 27 December, 2021 07:45.

With 2021 ending, many are looking to the next year and what that might have to offer.

New Years Resolutions are a great way to kickstart trying something new or leaving something behind, but a lot of new years resolutions get forgotten about after the first couple of weeks.

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Tips to feel prepared to spend Christmas Smokefree

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Published at 20 December, 2021 06:00.

The Christmas period can lead to some feeling unprepared with being smokefree, if this is your first Christmas being smokefree it can be a challenge.

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Ways to avoid your smoking triggers

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Published at 13 December, 2021 06:30.

The festive period can be difficult, especially when you would normally reach for a cigarette but are now smokefree.

As you may be new to being smokefree you will notice your triggers flare up more as you navigate through this period.

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How much money could you save by Christmas next year?

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Published at 06 December, 2021 07:00.

Smoking is a habit which ends up becoming quite expensive especially when a 20 pack of cigarettes can set you back over £10.

If you sat down and looked at how much money you were spending on cigarettes, you might be shocked.

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5 Minute Coffee Break - Give Yourself A Perfect Gift This Christmas

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Published at 02 December, 2021 12:25.

Well done if you started your quit attempt during “Stoptober.” If you have quit smoking, or still working on your motivations and reasons to quit, let us take 5 minutes and think about how you can become smoke free or stay smoke free as we head towards the festive period

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COPD Awareness Month

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Published at 22 November, 2021 08:00.

November is known as COPD Awareness month with the World COPD Day taking place on November 17th.

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World Diabetes Day 2021

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Published at 15 November, 2021 06:00.

The 14th was World Diabetes Day, this day was created in 1991 in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes.

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