

Stop smoking success in Calderdale according to new figures!

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Published at 11 April, 2019 11:26.

More than half the people using Yorkshire Smokefree in Calderdale managed to quit, according to the latest figures.

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Stop Smoking for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Supporting image for Stop Smoking for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Published at 01 April, 2019 10:06.

Did you know that, in the UK, somebody is diagnosed with bowel cancer every 15 minutes?

Yorkshire Smokefree support Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and we’re proud to raise awareness of the cause. Whether you’re young or old, male or female, bowel cancer can affect us all.

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Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale and Tesco work together to help people quit smoking

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Published at 07 March, 2019 10:41.

No Smoking Day is just around the corner, so Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale and Tesco have teamed up to help raise awareness of the stop smoking services available in their Halifax stores!

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Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale work with pharmacies to help residents quit

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Published at 06 March, 2019 14:00.

Calderdale residents who want to quit smoking now have a variety of ways you can access the service across the district.

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Halifax RLFC and Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale support the Breathe 2025 campaign!

Supporting image for Halifax RLFC and Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale support the Breathe 2025 campaign!

Published at 11 February, 2019 16:10.

Halifax RLFC and Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale work together to support the Breathe 2025 campaign!

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Dean celebrates SEVEN years smokefree!

Supporting image for Dean celebrates SEVEN years smokefree!

Published at 21 November, 2018 14:12.

Dean quit smoking 7 years ago with the help of Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale. He is now volunteering with the service, helping quitters give up for good by sharing his inspirational story!

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Yorkshire Smokefree Are Proud To Support PHE’s Heart Age Campaign

Supporting image for Yorkshire Smokefree Are Proud To Support PHE’s Heart Age Campaign

Published at 06 November, 2018 14:23.

Did you know that heart disease, heart attacks and strokes are among the leading causes of death in the UK?

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Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale raise awareness for Stoptober and Breathe 2025

Supporting image for Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale raise awareness for Stoptober and Breathe 2025

Published at 10 September, 2018 11:08.

Yorkshire Smokefree Calderdale ran a fantastic awareness event for Stoptober and the Breathe2025 campaign with Illingworth ARLFC.

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