
Good Things Start to Happen in Stoptober.

Published at 02 October, 2023 10:01.

Supporting image for Good Things Start to Happen in Stoptober.

The Stoptober campaign can help you get motivated to stop smoking. It is great to know you are not on your own when you are quitting. Like you, many other people will be encouraged in the mass participation of quitters this Stoptober!

For those new to Stoptober, it was first implemented in 2012 by Public Health England, and it encouraged smokers to abstain from smoking for 28 days during October. If you can quit for 28 days, you are five times more likely to stay quit!

Preparing can make day 1 go smoothly, making you feel more confident. Seek support from friends and family. Telling people you are quitting can feel like sharing the load, and they can help you stay motivated by not offering you cigarettes if they smoke themselves. You might also give them the encouragement they need to try the Stoptober challenge! Every day you stay quit you will gain rewards as you feel the benefits to your health and see the gains in your wallet and bank balance. Quit smoking and start celebrating the good things that are starting to happen!

Rewarding yourself every day you stay smoke-free is a great way to keep motivation up and emphasises how well you are doing. It may be a gold star on the calendar, a small treat at the end of the day or some time out for yourself doing something just for you.

Plan to get started by downloading the NHS Stop Smoking app, which has lots of hints and tips, activities, and reminders to help you stay on track. Have a look at Better Health - Quit Smoking, as this has some great tools to help you prepare

Stop Smoking aids such as Nicotine Replacement products may help your quit attempt, and talk to your local NHS Stop Smoking Service, who can help you with these to prepare for your quit attempt through Stoptober and beyond. Write down what is motivating you to want to stop smoking. This will help you if you are struggling at any point. Looking at your list will reignite your enthusiasm for quitting. If you feel prepared, you will feel stronger to tackle any cravings, urges and triggers to smoke.

Smoking is still the biggest single cause of preventable illness and death. If you have tried quitting smoking before, try again with the Stoptober challenge to keep you motivated to quit for good this time.

Let`s take it one day at a time and reach day 28, knowing you have so much to gain and nothing to give up other than the daily bind of smoking. Good things will start to happen in Stoptober!